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Ämne: Lägga på nått kul på guldkort,

  1. #21
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av toxie
    :-( :roll: ? och hur vill du använder guldkortet i mobilen? :shock:
    Om det du undrar är hur man får in guldkortet i mobilen(lite knepigt formulerad fråga) så är det bara och klippa ut kretsen så att den har samma form som ett vanligt SIM kort.

  2. #22
    så du menar att SIM korten inte är mer avancerade än ett vanligt guldkort ? vart får man föresten tag i program för att t.ex kopiera simkort nånstans ?
    Dreambox 800HD PVR flash: - LT5 SP6 - USB barry allen: n/a
    Dreambox 7020Si PLi® Jade Final
    Dreambox 500-S PLi® Jade MaxVAR
    Samsung 9500 VIA CI -EMU
    MP3.5 Usb firmware 4.2
    stab- HH120 usals

  3. #23
    Här hittade jag en guide till Sim kloning.
    Ska göra mig en kopia i kväll..

  4. #24
    ey!, sidan funkar inte :S
    Dreambox 800HD PVR flash: - LT5 SP6 - USB barry allen: n/a
    Dreambox 7020Si PLi® Jade Final
    Dreambox 500-S PLi® Jade MaxVAR
    Samsung 9500 VIA CI -EMU
    MP3.5 Usb firmware 4.2
    stab- HH120 usals

  5. #25
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av T-bird
    Vad är det här, är det rena dagisverksamheten här :shock:

    När jag höll mitt första piratkort i handen var vissa av er inte ens födda :lol: :lol:
    Hehehe...Det stämmer nog ganska så bra det

  6. #26
    ta och googla...sök på GSM forum eller något...

    Min ålder åker inte ut så lätt hehe

  7. #27
    GSM SIM Cloning for Dummies


    This guide will help you "clone" your GSM SIM card and make unlimited copies of it by using either Gold Wafer Cards or 16F84a + 24C16 DIL. The "cloned" SIM card will work just like the original meaning you can make a call, send an SMS, manage phonebook and SMS messages too. You can use the "cloned" SIM and the original SIM simultaneously meaning both of your SIMs will have network and both can send SMS at the same time. However, only one of the active SIMs can make a phone call at any time. Simultaneous calls are not allowed because the call will immediately be disconnected by your Network Provider. Regarding recieving SMS from other people, only one of the SIMs will recieve the message. This is a "first-come-first-serve" basis and no bias is given to the original SIM. Obviously, the bills for the "cloned" SIM will also be reflected to the bills of the original SIM. Not all phones accept "cloned" SIMs. The Nok 9210 rejects cloned SIMs as well as most new 3G phones (and even some old ones...) Not all original SIMs can be "cloned" too because "cloning" requires that you should extract the Ki and IMSI from the original SIM and today the new GSM SIM cards are built will tougher protection algorithms. You may be able to get the Ki and the IMSI, but it will take you at least 8 hours for the latest SIMs. It could even take days...

    10 easy steps to 'clone' your GSM SIM ! Let us begin...
    (This is only applicable to Goldwafer Cards not to Silverwafer Cards)

    STEP 1 - Downloading software from the Internet
    SIM Scan 1.21 by Dejan Kaljevic --> Sim Scan 1.21
    TwinSim 1.0 by lotfi17 -->
    IC-Prog 1.04 by Bonny Gijzen -->
    WinPhoenix 1.06 by Paul Arnold and Joos Design -->
    WinPhoenix EEPROM Loader -->
    HEX to BIN Converter -->

    STEP 2 - Building your own GSM SIM Reader/Writer Hardware
    SIM Reader = SIM SCAN - Smart Mouse Compatible --> Schematics
    SIM Writer = JDM Programmer --> Schematics
    /\/\/\/\Don't have time to build this? Buy ready-made here./\/\/\/\

    STEP 3 - Buying or making your own blank SIM cards
    Make your own 16F84A + 24C16 DIL --> Schematics
    /\/\/\/\Don't have time to build this? Buy Goldwafer cards here./\/\/\/\

    STEP 4 - Getting the Ki and IMSI of the original SIM
    Install Sim Scan 1.21 by running the install.bat file.
    Run and configure Sim Scan from c:\sim_scan\setup.bat file.

    screen 1: Press Alt+Enter Key, then select the COM port where SIM Reader is
    connected. SIM Scan will not work properly unless it is maximized to full screen.

    screen 2: Select baud rate (choose 9600 bps 3.57 Mhz)

    screen 3: Put original SIM card to SIM Reader and press Enter

    screen 4: Press 'F5' - Get IMSI and Ki. Sim Scan will automatically create par2.bin
    file as part of installation. This will take about 40 minutes on a fast computer.

    screen 5: Select 'F2' or 'F3' (Do not use 'F1' unless you know what you are doing.)
    'F3' Retrieves 75% of SIMs even year 2001 GSM SIMs, but it is slow.
    'F2' Retrieves 50% of SIMs even year 2001 GSM SIMs and it is faster.
    /\/\/\/\If the Ki and IMSI cannot be retrieved using 'F2', you can switch to 'F3'/\/\/\/\

    The process of getting the Ki and the IMSI from the original SIM usually takes from
    4 hours to 3 days depending on the type of GSM SIM. You can exit at anytime and
    you can resume whenever you want, Sim Scan will start from where you last finished.
    After the Ki and the IMSI has been retrieved, a file named c:\Imsi_ki.dat will be
    created and by using Notepad to open it you will see similar to screen below.

    Step 5 - Creating the HEX files for the "clone" SIM
    Run TwinSim 1.0 and select 'Single-Sim' then input the Ki and the
    IMSI that you got from the original SIM. For 'PIN' enter any 4
    digits and for 'PUC' enter any 8 digits. After inputting all data
    needed, click 'Generate Picfile' and 'Generate Epromfile' then
    exit the program. Two HEX files will be generated in the folder
    where TwinSim is located (pic16f84.hex + eprom.hex).

    Step 6 - Converting the eeprom.hex to eeprom.bin
    The eeprom.hex and hex2bin.exe files must be placed on the same directory. Run hex2bin.exe
    and copy the settings from the screen below. Now a new file 'eeprom.bin' will be created.

    Step 7 - Burning the EEPROM Loader to the Goldwafer.
    Run IC-Prog 1.04 and configure it to work with the SIM Writer which is a JDM hardware.
    Choose 'Settings' --> 'Hardware' then choose correct COM port where SIM Writer
    is connected.

    After setting up the hardware, put the blank Goldcard to the SIM Writer and select
    16F84A from the chip list.

    Now load the 'Winphoenix Loader.hex' by selecting 'File' --> "Open File'.
    After loading the file, click the program all button (the one with the thunder icon).

    Step 8 - Burning the eeprom.bin to the Goldcard.
    Put the Goldcard which you used from IC-Prog to the SIM Reader and
    then run WinPhoenix 1.06. Other versions of WinPhoenix might not work
    so make sure that you are using version 1.06. Configure the COM port
    where the SIM reader is connected. This can be done using the
    'File' --> 'Preferences' and seleting 'General' Tab.

    Select 'File' --> 'Load' and choose eeprom.bin.

    Select 'Card' --> 'Program' and the eeprom.bin will be written to the Golwafer's 24C16.

    Step 9 - Burning the pic16f84.hex to the Goldwafer.
    Put the Goldwafer to the SIM writer hardware and run IC-Prog 1.04 again.
    Follow the same steps as described in Step 7, but this time load the pic16f84.hex
    file instead. You can program this card with 'CP' enabled or disabled, it does not matter.

    Step 10 - Testing the 'cloned' SIM to your phone.
    Insert the 'cloned' SIM to your phone and enter the PIN code which you wrote earlier
    using the TwinSim 1.0 program. Wait for the phone to register to the Network and now
    you are done

    Program hittade jag här: Enjoy..

  8. #28
    BTW, jag körde STEP 4 - Getting the Ki and IMSI of the original SIM
    Install Sim Scan 1.21 by running the install.bat file.

    sim scan bara lägger av för mig, klarar inte mina programerare progget lr ?

    jag har alltså fastnat redan vid första steget kan man säga...

    mp3.5 seriell och mp3.5 USB har jag. någon som testat och får samma fel. tror de stog nått om fail to get ATR eller couldnt find ATR. minns inte riktigt. testade med 2 st sim kort, båda är iofs inte aktiva (kontantkort) men man borde kunna läsa ur korten även om de inte e aktiva.
    Dreambox 800HD PVR flash: - LT5 SP6 - USB barry allen: n/a
    Dreambox 7020Si PLi® Jade Final
    Dreambox 500-S PLi® Jade MaxVAR
    Samsung 9500 VIA CI -EMU
    MP3.5 Usb firmware 4.2
    stab- HH120 usals

  9. #29
    Jag tror SIM SCAN är lite buggigt. Så ja testade med CARDinal ist. och det funkade, den startade men jag har inte tid att låta den vara på i någon timme en vad det är.

    EDIT: Du får använda ex Multiprog och ställa mp3.5:an i Smartmouse läge först vet du.

  10. #30
    Citat Ursprungligen postat av toxie
    att dom inte låsa detta barn lek,de ju bara skitsnack :twisted:
    Vilken sten har du sovit under, Toxie??
    Visst går det att klona ett simkort till mobilen. :P

    En bra startsida är

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