Resultat 1 till 4 av 4


  1. #1


    Hejsan, har ett litet problem, har ett USB minne och jag har en mapp som är skyddad med ett lösenord, nu har jag glömt lösenordet och måste ha en lösning för att knäcka lösenordet, undrar om det finns nåt program eller nåt, tack för hjälpen.

  2. #2
    Vilket program använde du när du skyddade mappen?
    "Never argue with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"

  3. #3
    CruzerLock 2

  4. #4
    What can I do if I can't remember my password?

    If you have lost or misplaced your password and can’t log into the archive, you can use the password recovery feature to recover your password.

    Enter any user name and password in the Enter Login Information dialog. Take the option to recover your password. Enter the answer to the password recovery challenge question in the Password Recovery dialog box and click OK. You user name and password is displayed.
    klipp och klistrat från*&p_li=

    What do I do if I forgot both my password and the answer to my hint question?

    There is no "back door" to a CruzerLock 2 archive. I you cannot remember the answer to your hint question, you will not be able to recover your user name and password. Your data will remain secure and protected.

    To start over, you can delete the SecurDataStor folder on your Cruzer flash drive and then re-install the CruzerLock 2 software. By double-clicking the CruzerLock2.exe file you can create a new user name, password, hint question and answer for a new CruzerLock 2 archive.

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