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Ämne: Hur länge...

  1. #11

    Re: St*pst*p hex

    Citat Ursprungligen postat av tonu
    Vet någon varför man ej kommer in där?
    Kanske uppdaterar filerna

  2. #12
    Läste detta på en sida.. de va ingen trevlig läsning om den nu är sann...

    The Operational keys are sent to all the subscriber cards over the air in a message called an EMM (Entitlement Management Message).
    This EMM contains the new Operation Keys to be used next. Obviously hackers are not allowed to log these new Operation Keys being sent, so again these operational keys in the EMM are encrypted using RSA.

    However there is an important difference between EMM and ECM. Where ECM are sent simultaneously to all cards, EMM are sent separately to every card in turn. An EMM contains an Address of a specific card (known as UA or SA), and an encrypted operational key.
    The operational key is encrypted in RSA using a Master Key. This Master Key in conax is key10, and every single card has it's own unique Master Key 10, so a card can only decrypt the EMM addressed specifically to that card.
    In other words every EMM contains different encrypted data that can only be decoded by the card it is meant for.
    This means that Conax can choose which cards it want's to update with the new key 20 or 21, and which cards it no longer wants to update - like when the subscription expires for example, or a card is reported stolen or lost.
    The idea behind all this is that if hackers extract the MK10 from a card, and then publish that key and UA, all Conax needs to do is find the compromised key and address, then stop updating that card and all peoples copies that use the same key. This is the reason why Master Keys are kept secret amongst small groups of hackers. What was not considered at the time these systems were invented, is that people would have such a thing as the internet, where the current Operational keys can be published to many people very quickly, even if the change every day or more often.
    Det är inte det vi läser som gör oss lärda utan det vi kommer ihåg!

  3. #13
    Detta är inget nytt!! Texten är välskriven och beskriver basis i krypteringen samt vad som händer i kortet.

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