micklarn is right.
And there should be no spaces in the DES key in the oscam configuration. I missed that in my example.
micklarn is right.
And there should be no spaces in the DES key in the oscam configuration. I missed that in my example.
Har du frågor om hur man gör, ställ dem i forumet! Skicka inte PM till mig!
Använd SÖK i forumet. LÄS Guider och Wikis. Testa!!
Looking good
Have connection anyway
2012/08/07 16:08:54 58C7E8 r lower [conax] ready for requests
2012/08/07 16:08:57 0 s init for all local cards done
2012/08/07 16:08:57 0 s anti cascading disabled
2012/08/07 16:08:57 59B5C8 c plain dvbapi-client granted (dvbapiau, au=auto (1 reader))
2012/08/07 16:08:57 59B5C8 c dvbapi: 0 entries read from oscam.dvbapi
2012/08/07 16:09:48 59D788 c client connected to 35000 port
2012/08/07 16:09:48 59D788 c encrypted newcamd:35000-client granted (user2, au=auto (1 reader))
2012/08/07 16:09:48 59D788 c user user2 authenticated successfully (generic)
2012/08/07 16:09:48 59D788 c AU enabled for user user2 on reader lower
2012/08/07 16:09:54 58C7E8 r lower [conax] user2 emmtype=shared, len=130, idx=0, cnt=1: written (107 ms)
BUT :-|
2012/08/07 16:11:34 59D788 c user2 (051C&44DE79/0000/051C/4C:E622): rejected caid (1 ms) (0/0/0/0) (invalid caid 51c )
2012/08/07 16:11:45 59D788 c user2 (0455&FEE66C/0000/0455/4C:F3B1): rejected caid (1 ms) (0/0/0/0) (invalid caid 455 )
2012/08/07 16:11:53 59D788 c user2 (0451&4A5DFA/0000/0451/4C:05C8): rejected caid (1 ms) (0/0/0/0) (invalid caid 451
?? Thanks you guys are Best One more hurdle I think
Maybe I need to edit /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-experimental/oscam.dvbapi ??
You guys upto 4 beers
Senast redigerad av spacecake den 2012-08-07 klockan 16:30.
Why don't you present all your configfiles.
On serverbox as well on clientbox.
At least I, have no clue how your config looks like.
Here's a good site for you to read about oscam config.
Clarke-Tech ET9000HD x 2 | Raspberry PI
In order to solve your problem I think you need to show us your complete configuration files. Please show us from server: oscam.conf, oscam.server and oscam.user. From client: newcamd.conf.
Har du frågor om hur man gör, ställ dem i forumet! Skicka inte PM till mig!
Använd SÖK i forumet. LÄS Guider och Wikis. Testa!!
He, he...
One minute ahead of you atomized.
Clarke-Tech ET9000HD x 2 | Raspberry PI
He He Guys
OK Here We go I show the whole files
oscam.server :
moreroot@dm800:/# more /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-experimental/oscam.server
# oscam.server generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.00-unstable_svn build #5630
# Read more: http://streamboard.gmc.to/oscam/brow...cam.server.txt
label = lower
enable = 1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
detect = cd
mhz = 500
cardmhz = 500
caid =
ident =
services =
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,15
lb_weight = 100
cccreshare = 3
audisabled = 0
# uncomment and enable this lines below only if devices are present
#label = upper
#enable = 0
#protocol = internal
#device = /dev/sci1
#detect = cd
#mhz = 500
#cardmhz = 500
#caid =
#ident =
#services =
#group = 2
#emmcache = 1,3,15
#lb_weight = 100
#cccreshare = 3
#audisabled = 0
#label = smartreader
#enable = 0
#protocol = mouse
# dreambox kernel does not support smartreader protocol so use mouse and set speed with ttyS0 tool
# for devices boxes with libusb1.0.6 or greater and kernel above 2.6.30 use smartreader
#device = /dev/ttyUSB0
# for smartreader protocol use bus:device
# bus:device bus name and device name of the Smartreader+
# (get the names with lsusb 'Bus' and 'Device')
#detect = cd
#mhz = 600
# do not use with mouse do use with smartreader protocol
#cardmhz = 600
# do not use with mouse do use with smartreader protocol
#caid =
#ident =
#services =
#group = 3
#emmcache = 1,3,15
#lb_weight = 100
#cccreshare = 3
#audisabled = 0
# uncomment and adapt to your needs the readers below this line or ad extra ones.
#label = pcserverlocalnetwork
#enable = 1
#protocol = cccam
#device =,12000
#account = user
#password = pasword
#reconnecttimeout = 1
#group = 5
#emmcache = 1,2,15
#lb_weight = 100
#cccversion = 2.2.1
#cccmaxhops = 5
#ccckeepalive = 1
#cccreshare = 3
#audisabled = 0
# on cccam it would be a c line like:
#C: 12000 user pasword no { 0:0:5 }
#label = remoteccampeer
#enable = 1
#protocol = cccam
#device = cccam.example.cx,12925
#account = user
#password = password
#services = !service1,!service2
# (the ignored providers or channel see oscam.services)
#reconnecttimeout = 2
#group = 12
#lb_weight = 100
#cccmaxhops = 5
#cccreshare = 3
#ccckeepalive = 1
#audisabled = 1
# the best is for NOT sending emm's to remote cccam peers
#cccversion = 2.2.1
# on cccam it would have been a c line like :
# C: cccam.example.cx 12925 user password no { 0:0:5 }
oscam.conf :
root@dm800:/# more /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-experimental/oscam.conf
# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.00-svn build #5630
# Read more: http://streamboard.gmc.to/oscam/brow...oscam.conf.txt
disablelog = 0
disableuserfile = 1
logfile = /oscam.log
# first create the needed directory's and see if there is usb stick, cf or hdd
#usrfile = /media/usb/oscam/user.log
# first create the needed directory's and see if there is usb stick ,cf or hdd
#cwlogdir = /media/usb/oscam
# first create the needed directory's and see if there is usb stick ,cf or hdd
#emmlogdir = /media/usb/
# first create the needed directory's and see if there is usb stick ,cf or hdd
usrfileflag = 0
clienttimeout = 5
fallbacktimeout = 2500
serialreadertimeout = 1500
clientmaxidle = 120
dropdups = 1
failbantimE = 0
bindwait = 120
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 10
waitforcards = 1
waitforcards_extra_delay = 3000
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1
readerrestartseconds = 5
lb_mode = 1
lb_save = 0
lb_nbest_readers = 1
lb_nfb_readers = 1
lb_reopen_mode = 1
lb_reopen_seconds = 6
lb_retrylimit = 1600
port = 16500
monlevel = 4
nocrypt =,,, 08
httpport = 16200
httpuser = user
httppwd = password
httprefresh = 20
httpallowed =,,, ,,
httphideidleclients = 0
httpreadonly = 0
port = 12000
version = 2.2.1
reshare = 3
reshare_mode = 4
ignorereshare = 0
minimizecards = 0
keepconnected = 1
nodeid = 0a0b0c0d0e0f1215
enabled = 1
au = 1
user = dvbapiau
boxtype = dreambox
port = 35000@0B00:000000
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
keepalive = 1
allowed =,,
#port = 30000
#user = radegastuser
#allowed =,
#port = 40000
#serverip =
#key = 01020304050607080910111213141516
#port = 50000@0300:600000
#hostname = host.example.com
#port = 60000
#password = mypassword
oscam.user :
root@dm800:/# more /etc/tuxbox/config/oscam-experimental/oscam.user
# oscam.user generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.00-svn build #5630
# Read more: http://streamboard.gmc.to/oscam/brow...oscam.user.txt
# is needed for au
user = user2
pwd = pass2
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19
au = 1
caid = 0B00
ident = 0B00:000000
user = dvbapiau
pwd =
disabled = 0
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19
# put all reader groups otherwise you not have ecm from the non included group.
uniq = 3
monlevel = 0
au = 1
# for using mpcsmon
user = usermonitor
pwd = pasword
disabled = 0
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,19,19,20 ,21
uniq = 1
sleep = 0
monlevel = 4
#user = user2
#pwd = pasword2
#disabled = 0
#group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,16
#uniq = 3
#sleep = 0
#monlevel = 0
#service = !service1,!service2
#services defind in oscam.services if empty all services are allowed.
#cccmaxhops = 5
#cccreshare = 2 # note the difference with { 0:0:3 } from f line cccam .
#cccignorereshare = 0
#keepalive = 1
#hostname = cccam.example.cx
# f line in cccam would be like :
# F: user pasword2 5 0 0 { 0:0:3 } { } { } cccam.example.cx
# this users c line here server line in oscam.server has group 12 to avoid loop back I did not put group 12 in his user
# account f line. Normally it's not needed... However some svn versions can have segfault errors and jumps out due to that loopback.
# By doing this you will avoid that kind of problems.That's also the reason that i asign a different group to each reader.
newcamd.conf :
root@dm500 ~ # more /var/tuxbox/config/newcamd/newcamd.conf
# /var/tuxbox/config/newcamd/newcamd.conf
# newcamd mandatory settings
# Use emulator?
EMU = yes
# if both control word server and emulator keys are available for the
# channel, which method should be tried first?
# Autoupdate for Emu and Control Word Servers
# AU is always yes if there are betad UDS control word server
# connected to newcamd
AU = yes
# number of seconds to show the newcamd OSD, works on enigma only
# 0 seconds -> OSD off
# 1 second -> show "Can't decode" messages only
# Recent Enigma versions come with a new option "Use http authentication"
# in the Expert Setup menu. If this option is enabled, the Enigma web server
# requires all clients to authorize themselves with username (root) and
# password (usually dbox2 or dreambox). The following option tells newcamd
# about the authentication username and password to use for the web server
# in order to be able to display its on screen information.
OSD_WEB_LOGIN = root:dreambox
# newcamd debug options
# dumps all ca systems used by a channel on the console
# print debug messages about ECM handling
# print debug messages about EMM handling
# print debug messages about Control Word Server (CWS)
# print debug messages about dbox2 CAM (cam-alpha.bin)
# hex dump of entire PAT
# hex dump of entire PMT
# hex dump of entire ECM
# hex dump of entire CAT
# hex dump of entire EMM (AU)
# show network ECM messages being sent and received from/to the cardservers
# show network EMM messages being sent and received from/to the cardservers
# hex dump of EMMs with wrong signature
# newcamd optional settings
# Delay between reception of new control word and writing them into
# the CSA registers
# this is a default, can be changed for each individual key in keylist
# reload config on every channel zap
# reload keylist on every channel zap
# write osd ca info to file
CA_INFO_FILE = /tmp/cainfo.txt
# newcamd mandatory settings for control word servers (cws)
# Cardserver list
# <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <14 byte triple-des key in hex> <lan/wan> <cardserver name> [noecm]
# wan connections will be dropped and rebuild if newcamd is told so by camdcmd
# (see admin options)
# If the last word in the CWS line is noecm, newcamd will not attempt to send
# any ecms to that card, it will only send EMMs (AU) if userid is 1. Useful if
# you want to merge several cards of one provider into one port using
# cardspider.
# hostname = uds to use betad, port is the serial port in that case
# CWS = uds 1 dummy dummy
CWS = 35000 user2 pass2 0102030405060708091011121314
# CWS = 10000 dummy3 dummy3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan cardserver
CWS = uds 0 local local
CWS_MULTIPLE = 10000:10001 local local 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan cardserver
# newcamd optional settings for using control word servers (cws)
# Timeout for cardserver login in 100ms
# Port to listen for incoming cardserver connections (reverse login)
# and/or admin connections
# Port to get a list of all connected cardservers, just telnet to it
# send keep alive messages to servers to keep connections from dying by
# unreasonable router NAT timeouts, make sure all cardservers/spiders you
# conntect to are v5.25 or newer, otherwise you'll loose connection to them,
# if set to yes
# seems this feature is commonly misunderstood, it only keeps connections
# open even if no data packets are using it for while (NAT routers tend to
# forget about established tcp connections when they are inactive), it is
# NOT to automatically reconnect to servers, see also Q&A in readme.txt
# newcamd admin control options
# (incoming port is the same as CWS_INCOMING_PORT)
# <password> <14 byte des key>
ADMIN_PASSWORD = secret 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
You Guys best !! Beers for both ......
I will check the link as well .... Sorry Was a Dead Link ......
Tonight is the Night
Senast redigerad av spacecake den 2012-08-07 klockan 18:58.
Noticed and changed in oscam.server :
label = lower
enable = 1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
detect = cd
mhz = 500
cardmhz = 500
caid = 0B00
ident = 0B00:000000
services =
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,15
lb_weight = 100
cccreshare = 3
audisabled = 0
Please Help Many Beers To Come
Thanks Soooooooo.....
Nix Not work with the above change to oscam.server
Please check Config files .........
Senast redigerad av spacecake den 2012-08-07 klockan 19:20.
Please remove all the line starting with "#", it is very hard to read the files.
VVSMF (VågaVägraSmåMjukaFönster)
Linux rules!
VU+ Solo 4K, VU+ Solo2, 2* VU+ Solo Se, 4* VU+ Zero
Well, what a load of crap you have in your config files...
Please, please do not use these stupid "config file generators"... Instead look at the excellent guide made by forum member 'minime' and try to write the config files yourself. That way you will have a better understanding of the different settings.
I know your Swedish is not the best but just look att section 2.6 in the guide for examples of reasonable settings.
Sorry, but now I just don't have the time or motivation to go through all your weird configuration.
Har du frågor om hur man gör, ställ dem i forumet! Skicka inte PM till mig!
Använd SÖK i forumet. LÄS Guider och Wikis. Testa!!